



The Fine Print of Wood Design: Commonly Overlooked Code Provisions

2024年9月11日——全国在线事件. This webinar will focus on commonly missed items—some of which can provide a more efficient design, and others which are critical to ensuring adequate structural performance. We will cover tips on how and when these provisions apply and show design examples to demonstrate their impact on the design.


希尔顿BNA纳什维尔机场航站楼 2终端路,纳什维尔,田纳西州,美国

即将于9月23日至25日, 2024 -区域亲自事件(纳什维尔), TN) Join WoodWorks and 30+ expert speakers to learn about the latest developments in mass timber, 包括建筑规范, 结构系统, 项目交付的最佳实践, 制造能力.


AIA纽约建筑中心 美国纽约州纽约市拉瓜迪亚广场536号532室

September 24, 2024 - Regional In-Person Event (New York, NY) Save the date for AWC & WoodWork's inaugural NYC Climate Week event featuring an expert panel and discussions on how wood products, forestry and the built environment offer sustainable solutions to the climate crisis.

Building Tours: Mass Timber Innovation at the 阿肯色大学

阿肯色大学 阿肯色大学,费耶特维尔,美国

9月26日, 2024 -区域亲自参观(费耶特维尔), AR) This event will offer a unique behind the scenes look at two cutting-edge mass timber buildings on the 阿肯色大学 campus. 与会者将与项目团队成员一起参观这两座建筑.


木材建筑:可持续林业,亲生物设计 & 碳的影响

长滩公共图书馆,比利·简·金主图书馆 200 West Broadway, Community Room A, First floor, Long Beach, CA, United States

10月1日, 2024 -区域亲自事件(长滩, CA) This course examines the use of mass timber in construction and the positive environmental benefits it can bring to a project, with case studies illustrating wood’s impact on sustainability outcomes.


Brookhaven City Hall Site Tour: A Firsthand Look @ Mass Timber Construction

Terra风土 美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市桃树路3974号

10月3日, 2024 -区域亲自参观(布鲁克海文), GA) Join Laura Cullen as she leads a tour of the new Brookhaven City Hall. This course takes a brief look at the use of wood products in construction and their ability to store carbon long term.


木材建筑:可持续林业,亲生物设计 & 碳的影响

10月4日, 2024 -区域在线事件(CA-South), AZ, NM) This course examines the use of mass timber in construction and the positive environmental benefits it can bring to a project, with case studies illustrating wood’s impact on sustainability outcomes.


Early Design Decisions: Priming Mass Timber Projects for Success

马贾诺的小意大利 美国宾夕法尼亚州费城菲尔伯特街1201号

10月8日, 2024 -区域面对面研讨会(费城), PA)大量的木材是独一无二的, 非商品建筑材料和, 为成功打下基础, 某些关键的决定必须尽早做出. This presentation will walk through early project decisions and design steps, focusing on how to optimize projects for mass timber and how one early decision can influence others.



伯韦尔职业发展中心 美国科罗拉多州丹佛市东Asbury大道2190号

10月8日, 2024 -区域面对面研讨会(丹佛), CO) This presentation will cover some of the design considerations associated with mid-rise wood-frame buildings and focuses on mid-rise mass timber construction, highlighting examples in the five- to eight-story range—including office, 多用途, 以及多家庭项目.



10月10日, 2024 -区域在线研讨会(CO, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY) This presentation will cover some of the design considerations associated with mid-rise wood-frame buildings and focuses on mid-rise mass timber construction, highlighting examples in the five- to eight-story range—including office, 多用途, 以及多家庭项目


Early Design Decisions: Priming Mass Timber Projects for Success

10月10日, 2024 -区域在线研讨会(PA, 新泽西州)大量的木材是独一无二的, 非商品建筑材料和, 为成功打下基础, 某些关键的决定必须尽早做出. This presentation will walk through early project decisions and design steps, focusing on how to optimize projects for mass timber and how one early decision can influence others.


Taking on Climate Change and Affordable Housing with Mass Timber

波士顿大学 联邦大道665号,计算机中心 & 数据科学,波士顿,马萨诸塞州,美国

10月22日, 2024 -区域面对面研讨会(波士顿), MA) New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) and its partners are hosting the first in a series of workshops aimed at growing the market for climate-smart forest products and connecting with efforts to incentivize climate-smart forest management across our region.


Frame it Right: The Basics and Beyond for Light-frame Construction

Southwest Mountain States Regional Council of Carpenters Buena Park Training Center 7111 火stone Boulevard, Classroom 2, Buena Park, CA, United States

10月30日, 2024 -区域面对面研讨会(布埃纳公园), CA) This presentation will focus on the most common detailing issues and areas of misunderstanding related to exterior walls and their intersection with rated floor assemblies, 还有电梯的细节, 楼梯, 机械轴.



宾夕法尼亚会议中心 美国宾夕法尼亚州费城拱门街1101号

11月12日-14, 2024 – Regional In-Person Event (Philadelphia, PA) Co-produced by WoodWorks & 森林经济顾问, Mass Timber+ at Greenbuild is where wood-based offsite construction’s suppliers, 买家和专业人士会面探讨机会, exchange ideas and introduce technologies to move this industry forward.